Carpet Maintenance & Cleaning

At ABCleaning we can provide a care and maintenance programme of regular vacuuming and professional carpet cleaning to ensure your carpets remain functional and aesthetically pleasing for longer. We use high grade, professional commercial carpet cleaning products and equipment endorsed and accredited by the industry such as Encapsulation technology. Encapsulation technology is a significant step forward for the carpet cleaning industry becasue it dries extremly quickly, vacuums out easily, eliminates recurring spill stains & wicking. It lengthens the time between restoration cleaning, extends the life of carpets and reduces labour costs at the same time as improving indoor air quality. To the uninitiated the results can be outstanding because Encap solutions emulsifies the fats, oils & starches that typically bind soils to carpet fibres from scrubbing. Results are superior in many ways to steam cleaning because the Encap crystallizing polymers not only reflect light in a way that makes carpet look brighter & cleaner but when the crystals dry out they hold the soils which are then removed through various vacuuming cycles. Encap has a remarkable ability to even out the appearance of non uniform or streaky steam cleaning and if combined with the high PH, solvent based big guns of steam cleaning or flushing it allows us to deliver the absoutley best carpet cleaning results possible.